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Felony Dui Lawyer

Understanding Felony DUI Defense: Guidance from Experienced Lawyers

A felony DUI charge can be a life-changing event with serious legal and personal implications. A felony DUI lawyer has experience in defending people accused of driving under the influence on a felony level, providing the ability to navigate complex legal processes. These competent attorneys offer vital advice, from contesting evidence and arranging plea bargains to representing clients in court. A DUI criminal defense lawyer plays an important role in reducing penalties and protecting their clients’ futures by grasping the subtleties of DUI laws and utilizing smart defenses.

The Role of a Felony DUI Lawyer

A regular DUI is a serious misdemeanor, but a felony DUI carries far more severe sanctions. That is why, if you are charged with a felony DUI, you must have a qualified lawyer on your side. What can a felony DUI lawyer do for you?

Case Evaluation and Defense Strategy: A lawyer will completely review your case, including all information and evidence. Based on this evaluation, they will develop the best defense strategy available, taking into account aspects such as difficult field sobriety tests, probable errors in the arrest method, and discovering holes in the prosecution’s case.

Negotiating with the Prosecutor: Prosecutors may be prepared to work out a plea deal to avoid going to trial. Your lawyer can negotiate with the prosecution on your behalf, hoping to get the charges reduced or dropped entirely.

Trial Representation: If your case proceeds to trial, your attorney will represent you in court. This includes presenting evidence in your defense, cross-examining witnesses, and advocating for a positive outcome.

Protecting Your Future: A felony DUI conviction can have severe long-term ramifications. Your DUI criminal defense lawyer will seek to reduce the impact on your future, such as job loss or limited housing possibilities.

The Legal Process for Felony DUI Cases

A felony DUI arrest can be very scary. Here’s a breakdown of the legal process you may encounter:

  1. Arrest & Charges:
  • Police Stop and Arrest: If you are suspected of driving while intoxicated and the officer believes it is a criminal case (due to reasons such as prior convictions, major injury, or a minor in the car), you will be arrested.
  • Field Sobriety Tests: You may be asked to perform field sobriety tests, but you are to reject them.
  • Chemical testing: Your blood alcohol content (BAC) will most likely be determined through blood or breath tests.
  • Booking and Charges: You will be jailed and formally charged with felony DUI.
  1. Pretrial Procedures:
  • Arraignment: At court, you will be informed of the accusations and requested to make a plea. An attorney can be really useful at this point.
  • Discovery: Both parties exchange evidence and witness information. Your lawyer will examine the evidence and uncover any gaps in the prosecution’s case.
  • Motions: If your felony criminal defense lawyer believes that law enforcement abused your rights during the arrest or investigation, he or she may file a motion to suppress evidence.
  • Plea Negotiations: To avoid a trial, the prosecutor may propose a plea agreement. Your lawyer can negotiate on your behalf for a lesser charge or a shorter sentence.
  1. Trial Procedure:
  • Jury Selection: If you plead not guilty, a jury will be formed to hear your case. 
  • Trial: The prosecution will present their case first, followed by the defense. Your DUI accidents lawyer will represent you in court by providing facts and advocating your innocence.
  • The jury will deliberate before returning a finding of guilty or not guilty.
  1. Sentence and Penalties:
  • Sentencing Hearing: If convicted, a sentencing hearing will occur. Before deciding on your sentence, the judge will consider your criminal history as well as the severity of the offense.
  • Penalties: A felony DUI conviction can result in severe jail time, large fines, license suspension or revocation, and mandatory alcohol education programs.

Defense Strategies for Felony DUI Cases

A felony DUI is significant. Here are some considerable defense methods a lawyer may use:

Challenge the Stop: Was there a probable cause for the traffic stop? Improper stops might result in the dismissal of evidence.

Field Sobriety Test Issues: These tests could be more flawless. Your DUI lawyer may argue that they were administered wrongly or that other factors contributed to their low performance.

BAC Results: Breathalyzers need routine maintenance. Errors or incorrect calibration might raise doubts about BAC accuracy. Blood tests may be contested due to improper collection or processing techniques.

Medical illnesses: Some illnesses can mimic drunkenness. Your attorney can use medical proof to explain the symptoms.

Prior Offenses: While previous DUIs will impair your case, a lawyer can claim that the current circumstances are significantly different.

Remember that a professional DUI attorney will look into every conceivable option to defend your case and push for a lower charge or dismissal.

Why choose us for your felony DUI case?

A felony DUI conviction can have serious implications. SRIS P.C. is prepared to fight for you. Here’s why they could be the best defensive partner for you:

Felony DUI professionals: 

Their attorneys have extensive experience with challenging felony DUI cases. This knowledge is critical for navigating the judicial system and developing a successful defense plan.

Fighting for Your Future: 

A felony criminal defense lawyer understands the gravity of the allegations and the potential long-term consequences. SRIS P.C. will work relentlessly to limit the damage and safeguard your future.

Unwavering Investigation: 

They will methodically study every aspect of your case, examining the prosecution’s evidence for anomalies and constructing a strong defense.

Negotiation abilities: 

Their attorneys are adept negotiators who may be able to collaborate with prosecutors to lower charges or perhaps gain dismissal.

Choosing our lawyer ensures competent legal representation, specific attention, and a commitment to getting the optimal possible conclusion for your felony DUI case.

To sum up:

With over 50 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys at The Law Offices of SRIS, P.C. bring unparalleled knowledge and competence to every case. Contact the Law Offices of SRIS P.C. for a felony DUI defense. Our experienced felony DUI lawyer offers personalized attention, active counsel, and comprehensive support to help you achieve the optimal possible outcome. Contact us now to schedule a consultation.


A DUI accusation is increased to a felony if it involves recurrent crimes, a high blood alcohol concentration, or causing harm or death.

Yes, by employing legal techniques such as questioning evidence, negotiating with prosecutors, and providing mitigating circumstances.

Fees vary depending on the intricacy of the case, the lawyer’s experience, and the jurisdiction. Many provide flat or hourly prices.

Yes, they can provide full legal counsel for both criminal accusations and civil actions.